

Rating: 3/4 (Both exciting and plodding in parts)

Twilight is probably the most popular book I have seen on SG buses/MRT this year, other than the Harry Potter series that is. The craze began here after the teen-vampire romance movie based on this book was released last year. My friends cringed through the movie, though I found it pretty well made. I must admit though that I could not see the fascination that Bella had for the pale Edward. Having gifted this book to my sister (a lame gift idea, I know!) I got a chance to read it back home while on vacation.

Twilight is the first in this vampire romance series written by Stephenie Meyer. The setting is Forks in Washington state, a town which is always pregnant with dark clouds and rain. Bella comes here to stay with her separated father Charlie Swan, who also happens to be the police chief of the town. New at her school, Bella is immediately drawn to the Adonis-like (sic) Edward, who initially thwarts her, but later accepts her love. The reason for his uncertainty? He is a vampire, albeit one who abstains from feasting on humans! The book deals with the problems this odd teen couple undergo on their journey of love. The climax is a faceoff with a killer vampire, when their love is tested.


Meyer sets up a good premise and environment for Twilight. The book is written in first person, spoken by Bella. The Fork high school settings, crushes and friends are all too familiar. The lure of the book is of course delicate Bella going for the dangerous forbidden fruit, Edward. The romantic parts are especially drawn out, too verbose for my taste. Also, it is overwhelmingly written for a female audience. Most Martians will find it hard to sit through pages full of chatting between a girl and her lover about the tiniest aspects in their relationship! 🙂 Still, to give Meyer due credit the book drops an interesting anchor for a new teen romance series. Twilight is both exciting and plodding in parts. Open with caution, you have been warned!

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